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KMID : 0355420210450030111
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health
2021 Volume.45 No. 3 p.111 ~ p.118
Oral health literacy and related socioeconomic factors in mothers
Ju Hyun-Jeong

Oh Hyo-Won
Lee Heung-Soo
Objectives: This study aimed to examine oral health literacy (OHL) in mothers and the factors that influence it.

Methods: A total of 431 mothers of preschool children were chosen as study participants using the convenience sampling method. A self-administered questionnaire was used in this study. The survey contents included the socioeconomic characteristics of the participants as well as their level of oral health literacy.

Results: In total, 44.8 percent of the participants had a low level of verbal oral health literacy (0-6 grade), and 16.9 percent had a low functional oral health literacy (¡Â6). Educational level and family income were significantly associated with the participants¡¯ oral health literacy (Pearson correlation). Verbal oral health literacy of the participants was related to their family¡¯s income, whereas their functional oral health literacy was related to their educational level.

Conclusions: Many of the participants had a low level of oral health literacy. For mothers, to improve their oral health literacy, an oral health literacy program must be in place. Oral health literacy programs should be targeted toward mothers with low socioeconomic status.
Mother, Oral health literacy, Socioecnomic satatus
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